Friday, April 27, 2012

The simple truth

One of my most beautiful, dearest, amazing friends, Katie, sent me Kari Jobe's CD last week.  She listened to a previous album throughout her pregnancy with her sweet daughter, and I listened to many of the songs from the current album during mine.

I was reading her acknowledgements, and wanted to share with you the beautiful way that she shared the simple truth of the gospel.  The bible teaches us that we have all sinned and fall short of God's standards (Romans 3:23).  Because of that, we are separated from him...his blessings, his joy, hope, life eternally.  HOWEVER, God has made a way to be right with him through Jesus.  We can't earn salvation through doing good, or being will never be "enough".  We're tainted and cannot stand in the presence of glory.  So, if you believe that, and want to be certain that you'll be with God for eternity, read below what Kari Jobe closed her album cover with:

"One more thing...if you don't know Him or haven't surrendered your heart, open up to Him.  He changes everything.  Let your heart speak these words: Jesus, I surrender.  I let go of my own life and ask you to take control.  Be my God and my Savior.  I believe you died on the cross for me, to give me life and to show me love.  Teach me and direct me.  Thank you Jesus.  Amen."

This simple truth - that we are sinners in need of a Savior, and now we are saved through Jesus - is how Ryan and I have made it through this trial.  We've had something to look forward to and something to put our hope in.  We don't dwell in our sorrow, but CHOOSE to believe that out of these ashes, God is making something beautiful.  And we delight in that.  The gospel doesn't take away pain.  It doesn't wash away the heart ache, but it does tell us that all of this is not in vain. 

I know I'm a little song crazy, but music helps me express my heart, so here's another song...the song I actually sang to Matthew before (or maybe when) he passed away:

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