Friday, September 6, 2013

One month

To my darling daughter,

You are one month old today (yesterday).  I am holding it together better than I thought I would, but have had to swallow a few lumps in my throat and dry a few tears.  Time has never gone by more swiftly, Mabel Grace, and you have completely stolen my heart (and certainly, your daddy's).  To say I am thankful, blessed, or overwhelmed (with love) would be an enormous understatement.  You have brought so much joy to us in the last thirty one days.  We love you tremendously and want you to know that there is nothing you could do that would fade our love for you.  Nothing.

We've enjoyed learning about you this last month and look forward to getting to know you better as the days, months, and years go by.  You are just a little doll and have a sugar-sweet disposition.  From day one, you've shown that you will probably be a determined little soul.  I had you up on my shoulder at the hospital the day after you were born and you were lifting up your head and looking around like a little champ.

When you are waking up, working your way into a deep sleep, trying to wiggle in your car seat, or when you are stretching, you grunt and it sounds like a little goose or goat.  We laugh every time, and I've learned that you are not necessarily awake if I hear those sounds at night.  With the exception of only a few nights, you've understood daytime and nighttime from day one.  We are sooo thankful.

There are some things I want to remember about you:

- You LOVE to stretch.  As soon as we unswaddle you, and take your legs out of your sleeper to change your diaper, you're legs shoot straight out and your arms, straight up.  Your quads that are already pretty defined - I assume from when you were stretching out your legs in the womb.
- The grin that crosses your face when you are just about to fall asleep might be one of the sweetest things.
- You enjoy being sung to, and read to.  You're eyes go back and forth, back and forth, from one page to the next when I have the book in front of you.
- I've never prayed more in my life than I have this last month.  I love to pray over you, and with you, for the concerns/praises of others.
- At night when you are feeding, I love to rub your precious little fuzzy head.  You have this wispy hair that is longest on top and in the back by your neck

I look forward to watching you grow, Mabel, and love being your mama.  Your daddy has told you many, many times how excited he is to take your camping.  Although I look forward to the day when you are old enough for that to happen, I am soaking in these days when you are little and I can cuddle you all day and you have nothing on your agenda other than to eat, sleep, and look around.

We love you so much, sweetheart.  Happy one month birthday!

Ps.  You spent your day growing and therefore were extremely sleepy.  Your daddy wanted to spend time with you when he got home so he took you out to his truck because he needed to clean it out.  I spy a little babe in the backseat!