Tuesday, June 12, 2012


A few weeks ago, I turned on the radio and the chorus of the current song was playing..."You are my treasure...Your love lasts forever..." The melody and lyrics were stuck in my head all day and I kept reminding myself to look up the song when I got home, but forgot.

Yesterday, I heard the song again and remembered this morning that I was going to try to find it.  I couldn't remember the chorus, but one of the other lines that stuck out to me, "They cannot take what I've already laid down at Jesus feet."  Those words resonated with me as that is exactly how I feel most days....there is no one, and nothing, that can take away the joy, hope, and peace that I've found in laying down all that I have at the feet of Jesus. 

When I looked the lyrics up this morning, I came across this video and shook my head in wonder when I found out that this song was written in response to this artist finding out that his son had a life threatening complication...just like sweet, handsome Matthew.

And the rest of the song...

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