Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Green thumb?

No...not really.  I probably will never have a green thumb.  I forget to water plants until they are wilty and I don't know a whole lot about them (although both my mother and mother-in-law are AMAZING gardeners who, I'm sure, would love to teach me).  However, today, I looked at my little window box with the woody, dried-up stems from last year's herbs, and decided that it needed a little "sprucing up". 

After play time with rd, hz and their mama's on Sebastian Joe's (best ice cream) patio, a walk around Linden Hills, and a large sample of Great Harvest bread, I went to the cutest flower shop and got some annuals for our window box.  All you flower people out there, don't judge - I just picked what I thought was pretty, not what necessarily went together.  I got beautiful deep purple pansies, lavender impatiens, and a hot reddish-pink begonia.  It really is WAY too many plants for my little flower box, but I wanted it to look pretty right away, so I'll figure out how to thin them out as I go. 

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